Susan Robb

Maz Kanata


  • 2021 On The Mic Training
    Voice-Over Diploma
  • 1996 Mohawk College
    Advertising Diploma
  • 1993 McMaster University
    English Degree


  • Savage Waking: Obliteration - Fiction Podcast - Mrs. Florence
  • Fanscape Season 2 - Fiction Podcast - Debbie
  • Uncontacted - Fiction Podcast - Psychiatrist
  • Kev-Bob Glasscock - Fiction Podcast - Rose and Marcia
  • 2022 Merry Moo's Raven Saga - Webtoon - Grandmother / Mone

About Me

I’m Susan (she/her), a full-time, non-union voice actor based out of Toronto, On, Canada. I love movies, baking, anything dark chocolate, a good laugh, frequent connections with my people…and I love my job.  Digging deep and finding more and more ways to lift a character off of the page with strong creative choices is my true passion…and I am super proud and grateful to have the opportunity to play Maz Kanata in Star Wars: The Chosen One. 

About My Role

This character, Maz Kanata is my favorite character from the Sequel Series. Just seeing her in this casting call gave me goosebumps. Maz is a 1000+ yr old force-sensitive space pirate; a collector, a nurturer, a friend, a warrior, a seeker of truth…a guide, a (fabulous) host…but in many ways, Maz a mystery. She has lived centuries and has gained much know-how, space smarts and wisdom in her years within the universe. But that doesn’t keep her from a good laugh…a heart-to-heart chat…or making it known that she carries a bright torch for Chewie. 

Why This Project

At first, just the chance to play Maz was the full attraction for me. Then, as I’ve gotten to know Maria, the staff and cast more and more, the positive vibes have just become addictive. This amazing opportunity has also included Masterclass learning for the actors, open office sessions for cast support, encouragement to collaborate on story ideas / lines and fun optional screenings of other Star Wars properties. Now I’m hooked.